What Would a New Tour Operator Business Look Like Post COVID?

Many businesses have been forced to reduce their workforce and struggle through, hoping for better times when booking numbers bounce back. With a vastly smaller team it’s more important than ever to increase efficiency and ensure internal processes are as streamlined as possible, helping to retain those valued customers and maintain great customer service whilst still delivering great trips.
Sales teams may have to branch out into areas they are less familiar with to combat the loss of knowledge, and will almost certainly have to be flexible in the event of any further border closures or quarantines brought into place. Refreshing T&Cs and keeping abreast of any changes to aviation or package travel laws is also fundamental to the future of travel as things are changing rapidly to keep up with what has become a rapidly changing world.
It’s also important to alter the type of product on offer, looking at trends and current enquiries to see what it is that people are looking for now compared with last year. It’s clear that there is still a demand for travel but perhaps people will look at spending more time in one place with less moving around or border crossings. Perhaps people will prefer to be by a beach or surrounded by nature, away from other people. Private villas and homes could be more appealing now over large all-inclusive resorts or cruises.
Having intuitive and clever software at a time like this can help to speed up any changes that need to be made to your business, from bringing on new product, updating web content and changing sales tools and templates to give the best support possible to your team quickly and efficiently.
It’s impossible to know what will happen but adaptability will be key in maneuvering things as the situation continues to shift, and will help travel to bounce back in full force when the situation permits.