Turning Enquiry to Booking – How moonstride Accelerates the Process

By moonstride | 10 June 2024 |
Turning Enquiry to Booking – How moonstride Accelerates the Process
Enquiries are the first touch point with the potential clients in any business. Therefore, how effectively enquiries can be processed and how fast the succeeding actions can be taken, results in a successful business transaction. From the travel business perspective, any software which helps in achieving this goal of converting an enquiry to a confirmed booking is directly affecting the economic growth of the business.

moonstride – a cloud-based travel technology platform, is one such leading travel technology solution provider. moonstride offers you a centralised platform for recording and managing enquiries comprehensively. Having the ability to manual input of enquiry information as well as enquiries being recorded within moonstride from the front-end website using an Enquiry API, makes it a very competent tool to manage enquiries. Let us probe into the various features and functionalities of moonstride for effective enquiry management.

Enquiry Details

moonstride manages all required details associated with an enquiry. Few important ones are:

  • Title:

    Each enquiry is assigned a descriptive title to provide a quick overview of its nature or subject matter or any other piece of information which can work as an easy identifier. You can pre-configure your title settings to auto populate the title.

  • Pipeline Stage:

    Enquiries progress through customisable pipeline stages, starting from ‘New Enquiry’ to ‘Won/Lost’ stages, enabling efficient tracking and management in moonstride. Depending on the pipeline stage the enquiry falls into when it is recorded in moonstride, the pipeline stage is selected.

  • Language:

    Language preferences of the customer are recorded to ensure effective communication and service delivery. This enables smooth communication with the customer in his/her preferred language and increases the chances of conversion.

  • Currency:

    Enquiries can be associated with specific currencies to facilitate accurate pricing and financial transactions based on the suitable currencies for the client. The currencies listed here can be pre-configured in the platform.

  • Source of Enquiry:

    The source of enquiry is an important metric to record to bifurcate the enquiries coming in from certain categories. This also throws light on the areas to focus by the sales and marketing team. These categories for source of enquiry can be customised as per requirement within moonstride.

  • Visibility Details:

    Based on the organisational structure and designated operational methods, it can be defined who will be able to view the enquiry details, once recorded within moonstride. The enquiries can be shared with all the default users in the platform and can be made public or private.

  • Agent Details:

    When the enquiries are coming in by an agent, the agent details can be associated with the enquiry, which will be carried forward to the respective quotation and booking.

  • Customer Details:

    moonstride records the customer data at the enquiry level and facilitates personalised interactions and tailored solutions to the customer needs. You can either create a new customer while creating the enquiry or select existing from the customer database.

  • Service Details:

    Required services can be included in the quotation when the same details are recorded in the enquiry. This will help in further communication and follow-up.

  • Notes:

    Additional information regarding any preferences or specific requirements provided by the clients can be accommodated as notes in the enquiries to provide context, document interactions, or highlight the same.

  • Assign To:

    Enquiries can be assigned to designated team members or departments for further action and follow-up.

Enquiry Actions

Once created, enquiry can go through several stages in moonstride. How fast and effectively these actions can be taken would define the future of the enquiry.

  • Enquiry Follow-up:

    It is quite crucial to convert an enquiry to booking, can be easily managed in moonstride. Multiple enquiry follow-up dates with remarks can be added in the system and moonstride dashboard displays the enquiry follow-ups due in next few days and even the overdue follow-ups. This will ensure timely response and proactive engagement with customers.

  • Email Communication:

    Having an integration to third-party email centralisation, moonstride allows for efficient communication and documentation of correspondence.

  • Notes:

    Notes can be associated with the enquiries. These can be reviewed and amended as required and can also be pulled into relevant quotations for ready reference.

  • Manage Tags:

    Enquiries can be tagged for several purposes and the same will be available in relevant quotes and bookings.

  • Task:

    Enquiry-related tasks can be created and assigned to team members for execution and tracking. These tasks can be in the form of meeting, to-do, email or call with reference to a specific enquiry can be assigned to the concerned person.

  • Delete:

    Given the required permissions and safeguards in place to prevent accidental data loss, if any enquiry is not required then it can be deleted.

  • Add/Create New Quote:

    Once enquiries are recorded in moonstride, multiple quotations with varied services/prices/passengers/itineraries can be created and shared with the customers instantaneously.

Enquiry List

All the enquiries created/recorded in the moonstride are available to view in the list form, which can be filtered based on the required criteria. This list of enquiries can also be exported to excel for external processing, if required.

  • Customisable Pipeline Stages

    moonstride gives the flexibility to create the pipeline stages as per the requirement of the business model.

  • Calendar View of Enquiries:

    Likewise, pipeline view there is a “Calendar View” available, where the enquiries with any follow ups / related events like birthdays / anniversaries, can be viewed on the calendar view.

Conclusively, it can be stated that moonstride incorporates all the features which are very useful for recording and managing enquiries effectively. From capturing initial enquiries to tracking their progress through customisable pipeline stages and visualising data in intuitive formats, moonstride empowers businesses to streamline enquiry management and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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