How Accurate Online Pricing and Over the Phone Booking Helps You Present the Best of Both Worlds

By moonstride | 10 August 2020 |
How Accurate Online Pricing and Over the Phone Booking Helps You Present the Best of Both Worlds
How often do you browse online for a holiday and are happy to book with no questions asked? It’s rare that you have everything you need in front of you without delving through all of the small print and pages of information. Speaking on the phone to a specialist can be the easiest and quickest way of securing yourself the right trip and for the right price, despite the fact that it may seem hassle-free to just pop a holiday in your online basket and head straight to the checkout.

However, as a travel business it can be beneficial to offer the best of both worlds. Providing key information upfront will ultimately save you money and time by enticing the right customers, and having a realistic from price or accurate real-time pricing on your website can be one of the most important details. Not having pricing displayed on your website can be one of the biggest barriers to enquiries and conversion, even if your clients eventually have to book over the phone. Nobody wants to have the conversation where they’ve planned their dream trip and can’t actually afford it; whatever budget you are working to, that can be humiliating and it’s a tough conversation to have as a tour operator too.

Speaking over the phone directly with your customers allows you the perfect opportunity to push them to upgrade a few details here and there too and potentially stretch an otherwise unmovable budget. Cross-selling to key partners and upselling to the room with the must-have ocean view is all much easier when you have an honest conversation and can understand what it is exactly that your customer wants and where they are or aren’t happy to compromise.

This method is also a sure-fire way to help minimise complaints. By talking through all of the possible options you can really get to grips with what it is people are looking for and what type of person they are? Perhaps they’re planning a honeymoon and have chosen a resort which is better suited to families or doesn’t offer much privacy. Starting off at the right price point from the offset narrows your search criteria and helps to shorten what could be a lengthy conversion process.

Both of these sales tools complement each other perfectly and offer a great way for a travel business to maximise efficiency, increasing both enquiries and ultimately bookings.

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