7 Things About CRM Travel Your Boss Wants to Know

Let’s say you’re reading about CRM systems on your computer or mobile device. You’ve probably looked for things like: tour operator software, travel industry CRM or back office travel software.
And hopefully you found this article. Even better! You’ve found me. Why do I say this? Because today I’m going to share with you something that will transform your business. Not surprisingly, CRMs were the highest rated software in 2021.
I’m going to tell you why your boss should be interested in learning more about travel CRM platforms. I guarantee that once you finish reading this article, you’ll rush to tell your boss. Do you believe me? So, keep reading!
Let’s Impress Your Boss Today
Among the features available in moonstride to impress your boss, I wanted to highlight the ones shown below these lines. They’re all working to boost productivity, efficiency, and reduce workload.
In other words: they’ll make your life and the life of your boss easier.
moonstride can even help you create entire itineraries in the blink of an eye! Ready to know more? Here are some functionalities that you’ll love!
- Create itineraries in a couple of clicks
- Boost your productivity
- Centralise and organise all your bookings
- 360 view of your customers
- Simplify your b2b agent and reseller relationship
- Streamline your contract loading
- API integrations
Create Itineraries in A Couple of Clicks
I’m guessing you also suffer whenever you have to organise an itinerary, right? But, with moonstride, this tedious task will be transformed into a relaxing, creative experience.
Thanks to our Tour Itinerary Builder, impress your clients and meet their expectations with just a few clicks. Learn more about how to use it in our quick guide.
Boost Your Productivity
moonstride’s goals are to make your work easier and more organised. For example, you can use our Dashboard to organise and distribute your pending tasks.
Your boss will always be aware of what is going on in your company and they’ll be able to make better decisions. Without even realising it, they’re increasing your productivity.
Centralise and Organise All Your Bookings
All your bookings will be kept in one place. Because moonstride is a cloud-based platform, the data will be automatically updated for all system users. This way, you can avoid mistakes and enhance your customers’ experiences.
Not only that, but your relationship with suppliers will improve. For example, they’ll be able to confirm the availability of their services within the platform, thanks to our two-way system.
360 View of Your Customers
Knowing your customers is the key to running a successful business. Learn about their preferences, reservation periods, and history. Communicate with them in a centralised manner and protect their data under GDPR guidelines.
All your teams will have access to the same information thanks to moonstride’s clever data organisation. Also, tell your boss that knowing your customers from every angle makes it easier to increase sales.
Simplify Your B2B Agent and Reseller Relationship
Our Agent Module will also make it easier for you to manage the data of your agents. Create their profiles and assign them inquiries, quotes, or bookings.
Furthermore, you’ll be able to easily configure the commissions and markups of agents.
Streamline Your Contract Loading
moonstride provides a solid contract loading platform. Once again, leveraging the benefits of cloud technology. You can upload the contract to the system in a couple of clicks, no matter how simple or complex it is.
Load hotels, flights, car rentals, transfers, insurance, tours, add-ons, and other contracts in an easy and intuitive manner.
API Integrations
Using our API integration, you can find the best prices in real time. Connect with leading Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Flight Consolidators, and Single Source API suppliers. It also works with hotels! This way, you’ll have a quick and easy booking process.
Oh! And moonstride also offers a payment gateway to secure online payments.
Stop Wasting Time and Go Tell Your Boss
Do you think any of these features would be useful in your business? I’d like to remind you that moonstride CRM combines Booking Engine + Back-Office technology. All in one, centralised. So that working is a pleasure rather than a chore.
If your boss wants to learn more about the product, schedule a call with our team. Furthermore, we provide a free, no-obligation demo so you can see our solution for yourself.
(psst… and tell your boss not to worry about the price. We offer different packages that will fit in your pocket. So you can select the one that works best for your company.)